Surviving R. Kelly – Episode 5 & 6 Thoughts
First, and Im unsure where to start, I want to say these two things. These last two episodes literally

Surviving R. Kelly – Episode 3 & 4 Thoughts
Friday night brought about parts 3 & 4 of this harrowing tale. Here are my thoughts in the order

Surviving R. Kelly – Ep.1 Thoughts
Last night a fearless team of women including, Dream Hampton, Jamilah Lemieux and Tarana Burke saw the fruits of

Powerful Thoughts 5.10
Where to start, where to start? Cuz we all know how it ends…. The Feds are Dead But

Powerful Thoughts 5.9
Editor’s Note: Thanks to all my social media friends that have not posted any season finale spoilers….cuz I heard

The Miseducation Continues
Whoo chile….the miseducation! Yall know who lauryn is…I’ve written about my own horror story with her concert here and I

Powerful Thoughts 5.8
well damn. did the show we used to all love the hell out of return to form this week?

Powerful Thoughts 5.7
Editors note: Today’s featured image is all things to me…so much so in fact that I used it instead

Powerful Thoughts 5.5
So, more than 1 of yall came at me bout last weeks missing installment. I’d like to kindly direct

Powerful Thoughts 5.3
last week, I wanted to start the post with a joke bout how this show is juggling more balls

Powerful Thoughts 5.2
Today’s Myalogy is dedicated to Kanan’s bubble denim coat, one of the only things to make it make sense

Powerful Thoughts 5.1
Yall know who it is, and yall know what it is! It’s time to recap our fave show with